About the Light Hikers

OLLI Light Hikers explore trails and paths in the Truckee Meadows and surrounding areas on Monday mornings.  Exact meeting times and places vary.  The location and degree of difficulty for each hike will be posted online the Thursday or Friday before the Monday planned hike.

Light hikes are approximately 3-5 miles in length, with some elevation changes.  They usually take 2-3 hours to complete.

Participants should be in healthy physical condition, carry ID and medical cards, wear comfortable  and durable walking shoes or hiking boots and bring plenty of drinking water.  A lightweight waist/shoulder pack, walking sticks, a hat, and sunscreen are suggested.

To participate in the OLLI Light Hikers a current Emergency Information and Liability Release/Waiver Form is required from July 01, 2020 through August 31, 2021.  These forms will be available at the hikes for those  who have not yet signed one. Please carry a mask.

To see OLLI Light Hikers weekly notices, check the website at http://ollireno.com/outdoor, and look under events.

For any questions  contact our Facilitators,

Warren Ronsheimer  at wardi@sbcglobal.net

Floyd Whiting at fjwhiting@sbcglobal.net

Debbie Lambeth at deblige77@gmail.com

Toni Chaucer at a5c3@sbcglobal.net