OLLI Light Hikers

OLLI Light Hikers are scheduled for every Monday morning from early March through the last Monday in November. Meeting times and places will vary. Location and times will be posted on the Light Hiker Events page by Wednesday or Thursday the preceding week before the Light Hike. Information about Light Hikers can be accessed on this website by clicking on “Light Hikers” and choosing “Light Hikers Events” from the drop down menu, or checking the calendar and then clicking on the words “Light Hikers” on Mondays. 

To participate in OLLI hikes, a signed OLLI Identification, Emergency Information and Liability Release/Waiver Form is required. The form covers the school year (Sept. 1 through Aug. 31) for all OLLI physical and off-campus programs. You can download a copy of the form from the Forms Menu on this site.